
I'm Shay. And this place is all about me 😊 I live in Haifa, Israel. I combine working from home with studies, and try to have fun in between.

Shay Peretz


I freelance as an Internet Assessor for Telus International. My job is to evaluate webpages and determine how much they can be useful for the user. I enjoy taking part in the global effort to improve search engine performance.


I learn towards a Practical Software Engineer Diploma, in the National School of Practical Engineering, located in the Technion, Israel. I've completed so far 4 semesters out of 6. I learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JAVA, Python, Android Development, MySQL, and more.


Dear Diary

A personal diary application, which allows the user to enter his thoughts and experiences. The user can also choose an appropriate smiley emoji for each entry. This is a React application I enjoyed making, while practicing common concepts, including State Management, Hooks, and doing CRUD Operations using React.

dear diary screenshot

Photo Organizer

An application that allows users to choose images from their devices, and get them organized based on dates and locations. Detailed location information is provided for the photos, using an external API service. Creating this app involved working with files on JavaScript, working with a library, and using asynchronous functions and promises.

Photo Organizer screenshot

Frozen Planet

Together with my homework partner Hanna, we have decided to dedicate our first Full Stack-Client project to the world of ski. We came up with the interesting name Frozen Planet Ski Resort, and really enjoyed working on the content and design of the website.

frozen-planet screenshot

Memory Game

I've decided to create my own version of the classic Memory Game, with beautiful photos I found on Pixabay. This was a good practice of CSS Grid, JavaScript Events (including event delegation), and more. I hope you'll enjoy playing it just as much as I enjoyed making it!

memory game screenshot

Equation Solver

This is an Equation Solver, which also supports the case of a = 0 (a linear equation). It covers all possible cases of quadratic equations (0, 1, or 2 solutions).

equation solver screenshot

E-Commerce Website

This is an Online Clothing Shop, with a functional shopping cart (on the client side). It was one of the most enjoyable projects for me, and it combines CSS Flex and Grid, and uses LocalStorage.

e-commerce website screenshot

Image Resizer

A simple Image Resizer, that supports both JPEG and PNG files. The user uploads an image, which can be resized based on entered percentages or fixed pixels. The output file is of the same type as the uploaded file. While working on this project I learned a few things about working with files in JavaScript, encoding and decoding, and more.

image resizer app screenshot